Hello, my name is Doris

I specialize in translating data into valuable insights. Bringing expertise in machine learning, both supervised and unsupervised algorithms, and optimization, my toolkit includes SQL, R, Python, and Tableau for comprehensive data projects.

Movie Rating: ER Modeling, Database & Visual Tableau Dashboard

This project involves designing an Entity-Relationship (ER) model, developing a MySQL database, and visualizing insights through a Tableau dashboard, all centered around a dataset related to movie ratings, tagging activities, and genome scores. The project is divided into three main parts: Developing a physical ER model of the dataset, emphasizing correct database design and normalization principles. Using the provided ER model to create tables, establish constraints within a normalized relational database, and populate the database with the provided dataset. Designing and developing a comprehensive dashboard in Tableau to visualize and analyze movie ratings, user engagement, and trends derived from the database, ensuring that the insights are intuitive, actionable, and visually engaging.

COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker

This accessible dashboard, developed with Tableau and hosted on Tableau Public, visualizes COVID-19 vaccination data sourced from Our World in Data. Users can easily select dates, continents, and countries using intuitive filters to view tailored information. The dashboard features a straightforward bar chart for comparing fully and partially vaccinated populations, a color-coded world map depicting regional vaccination rates, and a detailed scatterplot.

Art Exhibition Optimization using Binary Integer Programming (BIP) Modeling

Using R studio and optimization techniques, this project was aimed at creating an art exhibition model that balanced various artistic forms and limited resources. The challenge lay in handling budget limits, space constraints, specific preferences, and the need to include a diverse range of artists and themes. The application of Binary Integer Programming (BIP) was essential to ensure the most art pieces were displayed without going over budget and while meeting all inclusion and representation requirements. This model exemplifies the effective use of advanced mathematical and analytical methods in creating inclusive and varied art exhibitions.

Queue Management Optimization

In this project a thorough analysis of customer service call centers is conducted, using advanced simulation techniques to explore and optimize varying queue management policies and operator configurations. Leveraging statistical distributions like Exponential, Triangular, and Normal in R studio, the project evaluates the efficiency and service delivery implications of different scenarios, aiming to enhance the understanding and application of queue management in real-world settings.

Personal Finances Summary Dashboard

This project entails the development of an interactive and insightful dashboard focused on managing and visualizing personal financial transactions. The dashboard is constructed using Python and integrates several libraries such as Pandas for data manipulation and analysis, HoloViz's Panel for crafting interactive panels, Hvplot for plot rendering, and Google Drive and Sheets APIs for accessing and manipulating spreadsheet data.


Charlotte, NC 28214


